Add props to your LBVR experience


Active strand LED string

Nova delivers an active LED solution for props and objects in Vicon’s Origin ecosystem. Designed for compatibility with a wide range of shapes and sizes of off-the-shelf USB battery packs, Nova is quick and easy to add to props for use in your LBVR experience.

Taking power via a standard USB connection on the prop, the LBVR operator has one less thing to monitor, making for a more efficient operation.

The Nova kit allows for optimum flexibility, and can ultimately adapt to any prop size and shapes with different LED mounting options and so increases freedom for content developers. A fully immersive and interactive entertainment experience is now easier than ever to create – and the possibilities are endless.

Optial Range with Viper 8m
Battery Run Time* Customizable: Not included
Battery Charge Time Customizable: Not included
Battery Consumption 40mA per LED
Connection Type USB
Weight Cabling 50g + 3g per LED
LED Dimensions Base 24mm dia
Lens 21mm dia
PCB 15mm dia
LEDs 10 per kit, up to 25 supported

*10 LED configuration lasts 12.5 continuous hours with a 5000mAH battery



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