American College of Sports Medicine

May 31 – June 2, 2023 – Denver, Colorado, North America

Visit Site

The #Vicon team is looking forward to the American College of Sports Medicine conference next week in Denver. Visit us at booth 409 to try out our cornhole elbow and shoulder motion capture tracking demonstration, highlighting the combined power of our Valkyrie and Vero cameras with dedicated Life Sciences software, Nexus, plus reference video integration with a FLIR camera.

We are excited to be hosting our first User Group Meeting at the Vicon Denver office on Friday afternoon after the conclusion of the conference! Visit our new location, meet the team and see live demonstrations and presentations on the latest #ViconPowered updates. Email us if you are interested in attending: [email protected]

Vicon is proud to be the ACSM BIG Gold sponsor this year, we hope to see you at the meeting on Thursday 6/1 between 6 to 7:30 PM in rooms 102-104-106 of the convention center!


Valkyrie Cameras

View Brochure

Vero Cameras

Hardware Devices

Nexus Software

View Brochure

Vicon Standard Magazine

Blue Trident IMU

Capture.U App

UCSD Armor Lab Case Study

IMU ACL Best Practices

Biomechanics Industry Panel Summary

Contemplas Markerless Tracking


Vicon ProCalc Webinar

What's New in Capture.U 1.4?

Vicon X BoB Teaching Webinar

Vicon is the leading developer of motion capture products for the sports performance industry, offering tailored optical and inertial solutions for any application.
Our community spans over 70 countries, and includes the world’s best performance analysts, coaches, trainers, strength and conditioning and physiotherapists.


Vicon are here to support you on your Motion Capture journey. We’re happy to provide more information, answer questions and help you find the solution you need. Get in touch with our experts today.