Automated Squat Events Application

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Download Automated Squat Events Detection – Scottish Rite

Automated Squat Events Application

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Source: Wilshaw Stevens, Scottish Rite for Children

The automated squat event detection algorithm is a powerful tool that was created to enhance the consistency and efficiency of squat data processing for biomechanics research and clinical practice. This tool will help ensure precise placement of events that distinguish the descent and ascent phases of a traditional and a hold squat protocol.

This script was developed by the team at the Movement Science Lab at Scottish Rite for Children, led by Wilshaw Stevens. It is based on published research documented in the journal “Gait & Posture” (2018)

This script is part of an on-going effort at Vicon to connect its users with the wonderful utilities that have been developed by its userbase so that they can maximize the potential of the Nexus ecosystem.

This download package includes Matlab scripts for a hold and a traditional squat including example C3D data of each. A user guide, developed by Dr. Stevens, is also included.

For more information, please see


* Nexus 2 license
* Matlab license

This script was written using Matlab 2015a and Nexus 2.12 but has been independently verified by the Vicon support team using Matlab 2022b and Nexus 2.15 for both Windows 10 and 11.