Motion Builder

The latest version of Motion Builder is available now


Technical information

Download Vicon plugin for Motion Builder software

MotionBuilder 2024 or 2025


File Name:

The Vicon MotionBuilder Streaming Plugin allows users to stream data from Vicon platforms directly to Autodesk’s MotionBuilder.

Data can be streamed from: Shogun, Evoke, Tracker and Nexus.

This latest version adds support for MotionBuilder 2024 and MotionBuilder 2025. An installer for each version is included in this download.

Bugs fixed in this release:
– Device sample rate is no longer limited to a maximum of 60fps. Users can still set a sample rate limit.
– Recorded keys are now placed on frame when timecode is in use.

New features included in this release:
– Timecode has been added to the device properties, allowing it to be recorded.

MotionBuilder 2023


File Name:

The Vicon MotionBuilder Streaming Plugin allows users to stream data from Vicon platforms directly to Autodesk’s MotionBuilder.

We’ve added support for streaming re-targeting skeletons which you can use in both Shogun and Evoke.

Data can be streamed from: Shogun, Evoke, Tracker and Nexus.

This latest version adds support for the current release of the application – MotionBuilder 2023

MotionBuilder 2022


File Name:

The Vicon MotionBuilder Streaming Plugin allows users to stream data from Vicon platforms directly to Autodesk’s MotionBuilder.

We’ve added support for streaming re-targeting skeletons which you can use in both Shogun and Evoke.

Data can be streamed from: Shogun, Evoke, Tracker and Nexus.

This latest version adds support for the current release of the application – MotionBuilder 2022

MotionBuilder 2020


File Name:

The Vicon MotionBuilder Streaming Plugin allows users to stream data from Vicon platforms directly to Autodesk’s MotionBuilder.

We’ve added support for streaming re-targeting skeletons which you can use in both Shogun and Evoke.

Data can be streamed from: Shogun, Evoke, Tracker and Nexus.

This latest version adds support for the current release of the application – MotionBuilder 2020

MotionBuilder 2019


File Name:

The Vicon MotionBuilder Streaming Plugin allows users to stream data from Vicon platforms directly to Autodesk’s MotionBuilder.

We’ve added support for streaming re-targeting skeletons which you can use in both Shogun 1.3 and Evoke.

Data can be streamed from: Shogun, Evoke, Tracker and Nexus.

This latest version adds support for the current release of the application – MotionBuilder 2019

MotionBuilder 2018 Win64


File Name:

The Vicon MotionBuilder Streaming Plugin allows users to stream data from Vicon platforms directly to Autodesk’s MotionBuilder.

Data can be streamed from:

Vicon Shogun

Vicon Blade

Vicon Nexus

Vicon Tracker

This latest version adds support for the current release of the application – MotionBuilder 2018

MotionBuilder 2017 Win64


File Name:

The Vicon MotionBuilder Streaming Plugin allows user to stream data from Vicon platforms directly to Autodesk’s MotionBuilder.

Data can be streamed from: Vicon Shogun Vicon Blade Vicon Nexus Vicon Tracker

This latest version adds support for the current release of the application – MotionBuilder 2017

MotionBuilder 2016 Win64


File Name:

The Vicon MotionBuilder Streaming Plugin allows user to stream data from Vicon platforms directly to Autodesk’s MotionBuilder.

Data can be streamed from: Vicon Blade Vicon Nexus Vicon Tracker

This latest version adds support for the current release of the application – MotionBuilder 2016

MotionBuilder 2015 Win64


File Name:

Full release to support Autodesk MotionBuilder 2015 Windows and Linux releases.

Allows streaming of realtime data from Vicon products into MotionBuilder 2015.

It is possible to use the plug-in with data streaming from Vicon Blade 2.0, Nexus 1.8.5 and Tracker 2.0.

Streaming data from Blade 1.7 into MotionBuilder 2015 using this device is possible but unsupported by Vicon. There may be unknown issues which it is not possible to address.


Vicon Products: Axiom Blade 2.0 Nexus 1.8.5 Tracker 2.0

Autodesk Products: MotionBuilder 2015 64 bit with Windows 7 64 bit

MotionBuilder 2015 Linux


File Name: ViconStreamDevice_MotionBuilder2015_Linux.tar

Full release to support Autodesk MotionBuilder 2015 Windows and Linux releases.

Allows streaming of realtime data from Vicon products into MotionBuilder 2015.

It is possible to use the plug-in with data streaming from Vicon Blade 2.0, Nexus 1.8.4 and Tracker 2.0.

Streaming data from Blade 1.7 into MotionBuilder 2015 using this device is possible but unsupported by Vicon. There may be unknown issues which it is not possible to address.


Vicon Products: Axiom Blade 2.0 Nexus 1.8.4 Tracker 2.0

Autodesk Products: MotionBuilder 2015 64 bit with Windows 7 64 bit Linux 64bit

MotionBuilder 2014 Win64


File Name:

Plug-in for MotionBuilder 2014 to allow steaming of real-time marker and bone data from Vicon products into MotionBuilder 2014.


Vicon Products: Axiom Blade 2.1 Tracker 2.0 Nexus 1.8.4

Autodesk Products: MotionBuilder 2014 64 bit with Windows 7 64 bit

MotionBuilder 2014 Linux


File Name: ViconStreamDevice_MotionBuilder2014_Linux.tar

Plug-in for MotionBuilder 2014 to allow steaming of real-time marker and bone data from Vicon products into MotionBuilder 2014.


Vicon Products: Axiom Blade 2.1 Tracker 2.0 Nexus 1.8.4

Autodesk Products: MotionBuilder 2014 64 bit with Linux 64 bit


Vicon are here to support you on your Motion Capture journey. We’re happy to provide more information, answer questions and help you find the solution you need. Get in touch with our experts today.