Plug In Gait to Excel

Python script – Plug In Gait to Excel is available now


Technical information

Download Python – Plug In Gait to Excel



File Name:
Language: Python
Upload Date: 28/08/2020

This Python code is an example created to work in conjunction with Vicon Nexus 2 and processed Lower Body or Full Body Plug-in Gait Data.
The code needs to be run from within Vicon Nexus 2.
The data will be normalised and placed in individual excel sheets.
The un-normalise data will also be placed in individual excel sheets.

The newly created excel file will be saved in your Session Folder.

Run in Vicon Nexus: Yes. This can be run in Nexus 2, or from a python IDE
Example data provided: Example excel file in .zip download. The excel file is based on the Vicon Sample Data.

Author: Jacques Gay – Vicon Motion Systems, Inc.



  • Vicon Nexus 2.9 and above
  • Python version 2.7


Site Packages:

  • Numpy 16.5 or above
  • XlsxWriter 0.6.6 or above


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